
The Julep Node.js SDK can be installed using npm, yarn, or bun:

# Using npm
npm install @julep/sdk

# Using yarn
yarn add @julep/sdk

# Using bun
bun add @julep/sdk


After installation, you’ll need to configure the SDK with your API key:

const { Julep } = require('@julep/sdk');
// Or using ES modules
import { Julep } from '@julep/sdk';

const client = new Julep({
  apiKey: 'your_api_key',
  environment: 'production', // or 'development'
  // Optional configuration
  timeout: 30000, // Request timeout in milliseconds
  retries: 3,     // Number of retries for failed requests
  baseUrl: '' // Custom API endpoint if needed

Environment Variables

We recommend using environment variables to manage your API key securely:

// Load environment variables

const client = new Julep({
  apiKey: process.env.JULEP_API_KEY,
  environment: process.env.JULEP_ENVIRONMENT || 'production'

Example .env file:


TypeScript Support

The SDK is written in TypeScript and includes type definitions out of the box. No additional installation is required for TypeScript support.

import { Julep, Agent, Task, Execution } from '@julep/sdk';

const client = new Julep({
  apiKey: process.env.JULEP_API_KEY

async function createAgent(): Promise<Agent> {
  return await client.agents.create({
    name: 'My Agent',
    model: 'claude-3.5-sonnet',
    about: 'A helpful AI assistant'


To verify your installation and configuration, you can run a simple test:

async function testConnection() {
  try {
    const agent = await client.agents.create({
      name: 'Test Agent',
      model: 'claude-3.5-sonnet',
      about: 'Testing the SDK setup'
    console.log('Successfully connected to Julep!', agent);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Connection test failed:', error);


Next Steps