Welcome to the OpenWeatherMap integration guide for Julep! This integration allows you to seamlessly access weather data for various locations, enabling you to build workflows that require real-time weather information.


To use the OpenWeatherMap integration, you need an API key. You can obtain this key by signing up at OpenWeatherMap.

How to Use the Integration

To get started with the OpenWeatherMap integration, follow these steps to configure and create a task:


Configure Your API key

Add your API key to the tools section of your task. This will allow Julep to authenticate requests to OpenWeatherMap on your behalf.


Create Task Definition

Use the following YAML configuration to request weather data service in your task definition:

Weather Request Example
name: Weather Request
  - name: weather_call
    type: integration
      provider: weather
        openweathermap_api_key: {openweathermap_api_key}
  - tool: weather_call
      location: "London"

Run Task

Deploy your task by creating a new execution.

YAML Explanation

Remember to replace {openweathermap_api_key} with your actual API key.


With the OpenWeatherMap integration, you can easily incorporate weather data into your workflows. This integration provides a robust solution for accessing real-time weather information, enhancing your workflow’s functionality and user experience.

For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or consult the OpenWeatherMap API documentation.