
Julep tasks support Python expressions for dynamic value computation and data manipulation. This guide explains how to use them effectively.

The Special _ Variable

The underscore _ is a special variable that serves three different purposes depending on where it’s used:

  1. First Step Input: In the first step of a task, _ contains the execution input:
# If task is executed with input `{"topic": "AI"}`
- evaluate:
    topic: $ _.topic  # Accesses the input "AI"
  1. Previous Step Output: In any subsequent step, _ contains the output from the previous step:
- evaluate:
    results: $ _.split('\n')  # Splits previous step's output into lines
  1. Iterator Value: In foreach and map steps, _ represents the current item being iterated.
# If the task is executed with input `{"questions": ["What is AI?", "What is Julep?"]}`
- foreach:
    in: $ _.questions
      - wait_for_input:
            "message": $ _  # _ is each question

The Special $ Variable

The $ variable is used to differentiate between a Python expression and a string. When using the $ variable, the expression is evaluated as a Python expression.

- evaluate:
    topic: $ _.topic  # Accesses the input "AI"
- prompt:
    - role: user
      content: |-
        Please answer the following question:

To learn more about how to use the $ variable, please refer to the New Syntax section.

Where Python Expressions Are Used

Python expressions can be used in various task steps. For a complete list of step types and their syntax, refer to the Step Types table in the README.

Common places include:

  • evaluate steps
  • Tool arguments
  • if conditions
  • foreach and map iterations

Available Functions and Libraries

The following Python functions and libraries are available for use in expressions:

Basic Python Builtins

  • abs, all, any, bool, dict, enumerate
  • float, int, len, list, map, max, min
  • round, set, str, sum, tuple, zip, reduce

Safe Versions of Functions

  • range: def safe_range(*args)

    Safely creates a range object with size limits (max 1,000,000 elements).

  • load_json: def safe_json_loads(s: str) -> Any (Deprecated in favor of json.loads)

    Safely parses a JSON string with size limits.

  • load_yaml: def safe_yaml_load(s: str) -> Any (Deprecated in favor of yaml.safe_load)

    Safely parses a YAML string with size limits.

  • dump_json: def dump_json(obj: Any, *, **kwargs) -> str (Deprecated in favor of json.dumps)

    Safely serializes an object to a JSON string.

  • dump_yaml: def dump_yaml(obj: Any, **kwargs) -> str (Deprecated in favor of yaml.dump)

    Safely serializes an object to a YAML string.

  • extract_json: def safe_extract_json(string: str) -> Any

    Safely extracts and parses JSON from text.

Regex and NLP Functions

  • search_regex: def search_regex(pattern: str, string: str) -> Optional[re2.Match]

    Searches for a regex pattern in a string.

  • match_regex: def match_regex(pattern: str, string: str) -> bool

    Checks if a regex pattern matches a string.

  • chunk_doc: def chunk_doc(string: str) -> list[str]

    Chunks a string into sentences.

  • nlp pipelines.

Example using these functions in an evaluate step:

- evaluate:
    # Parse JSON string with size limit of 1MB
    data: $ json.loads(_.json_string)
    # Parse YAML string with size limit of 1MB
    config: $ yaml.safe_load(_.yaml_string)
    # Extract JSON from text that might contain markdown code blocks
    extracted_content: $ extract_json('Here is some JSON: ```json\n{"key": "value"}\n```')

CSV Functions

  • reader: def reader(data: str, dialect="excel", delimiter: str = ",", quotechar: str | None = '"', escapechar: str | None = None, doublequote: bool = True, skipinitialspace: bool = False, lineterminator: str = "\r\n", quoting=0, strict: bool = False) -> csv._reader

    Creates a CSV reader.

  • writer: def writer(data: str, dialect="excel", delimiter: str = ",", quotechar: str | None = '"', escapechar: str | None = None, doublequote: bool = True, skipinitialspace: bool = False, lineterminator: str = "\r\n", quoting=0, strict: bool = False) -> csv._writer

    Creates a CSV writer.

  • DictReader: class DictReader(data: str, fieldnames=None, restkey=None, restval=None, dialect="excel", *args, **kwds)

    Create an object that operates like a regular reader but maps the information in each row to a dict.

  • DictWriter: class DictWriter(data: str, fieldnames, restval="", extrasaction="raise", dialect="excel", *args, **kwds)

    Create an object which operates like a regular writer but maps dictionaries onto output rows.

  • register_dialect: def register_dialect(name: str, dialect: type[Dialect] = ..., *, delimiter: str = ",", quotechar: str | None = '"', escapechar: str | None = None, doublequote: bool = True, skipinitialspace: bool = False, lineterminator: str = "\r\n", quoting: _QuotingType = 0, strict: bool = False) -> csv._reader

    Associate dialect with name.

  • unregister_dialect: def unregister_dialect(name: str) -> None

    Delete the dialect associated with name from the dialect registry.

  • get_dialect: def get_dialect(name: str) -> Dialect

    Return the dialect associated with name.

  • list_dialects: def list_dialects() -> list[str]

    Return the names of all registered dialects.

  • field_size_limit: def field_size_limit(new_limit: int = ...) -> int

    Returns the current maximum field size allowed by the parser.

  • Dialect: class Dialect()

    The Dialect class is a container class whose attributes contain information for how to handle doublequotes, whitespace, delimiters, etc.

  • excel: class excel()

    The excel class defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated CSV file.

  • excel_tab: class excel_tab()

    The excel_tab class defines the usual properties of an Excel-generated TAB-delimited file.

  • unix_dialect: class unix_dialect()

    The unix_dialect class defines the usual properties of a CSV file generated on UNIX systems, i.e. using β€˜\n’ as line terminator and quoting all fields.

  • Sniffer: class Sniffer

    The Sniffer class is used to deduce the format of a CSV file.

  • QUOTE_ALL - Instructs writer objects to quote all fields.

  • QUOTE_MINIMAL - Instructs writer objects to only quote those fields which contain special characters such as delimiter, quotechar or any of the characters in lineterminator.

  • QUOTE_NONNUMERIC - Instructs writer objects to quote all non-numeric fields. Instructs reader objects to convert all non-quoted fields to type float.

  • QUOTE_NONE - Instructs writer objects to never quote fields.

  • QUOTE_NOTNULL - Instructs writer objects to quote all fields which are not None.

  • QUOTE_STRINGS - Instructs writer objects to always place quotes around fields which are strings.

  • Error: class Error()

    Raised by any of the functions when an error is detected.

This module tries to mimic csv module from the standard Python library. You can find additional information here

Example Usage

name: Data Processing Task

  # Using _ as input
  - evaluate:
      csv_data: $ [row for row in csv.reader("a,b,c\n1,2,3")]

Standard Library Modules

  • re: Regular expressions (using re2)
  • json: JSON operations
  • yaml: YAML operations
  • string: String constants and operations
  • datetime: Date and time operations
  • math: Mathematical functions
  • statistics: Statistical operations
  • base64: Base64 encoding/decoding
  • urllib.parse: URL parsing operations
  • random: Random number generation
  • time: Time operations
  • csv: CSV operations

For the complete list of available functions and their safe implementations, refer to the utils.py file in the source code.

Example Usage

Here’s a practical example combining different aspects of Python expressions:

name: Data Processing Task

  # Using _ as input
  - evaluate:
      topics: $ _.topics  # Access input topics

  # Using _ as previous output
  - evaluate:
      filtered_topics: $ [t for t in _.topics if len(t) > 3]

  # Using _ in foreach
  - foreach:
      in: $ _.filtered_topics
        - tool: web_search
            query: $ 'Latest news about ' + _ # _ is each topic

Custom Implementations

Humanization (Alpha)

The humanize_text_alpha function transforms text using multiple techniques such as:

  • Back-translation.
  • Rewriting using non-public LLMs.
  • Stylistic modifications such as homoglyphs and em dashes.

Breakdown of the function:

Function signature:

humanize_text_alpha(text: str, threshold: float = 90, src_lang: str = "english", target_lang: str = "german", use_homoglyphs: bool = True, use_em_dashes: bool = True, grammar_check: bool = False, max_tries: int = 10) -> str


  • text: The text to be humanized.
  • threshold: The threshold for the humanization (0-100).
  • src_lang: The source language of the original text.
  • target_lang: The target language used in the back-translation technique.
  • use_homoglyphs: Whether to use homoglyphs, a technique that replaces certain characters with similar looking characters to trick AI detection classifiers.
  • use_em_dashes: Whether to use em dashes, i.e. adding dashes between longer words to break the tokens.
  • grammar_check: Whether to run another prompt after back-translation to check for correct grammar.
  • max_tries: The maximum number of tries to humanize the text.

Example usage:

- evaluate:
    humanized_text: $ humanize_text_alpha(_.text, threshold=30, target_lang="german")

Markdown to HTML

The markdown_to_html function converts markdown text to HTML.

Breakdown of the function:

Function signature:

markdown_to_html(markdown_text: str) -> str


  • markdown_text: The markdown text to be converted to HTML.

Example usage:

- evaluate:
    html_text: $ markdown_to_html(_.markdown_text)

HTML to Markdown

The html_to_markdown function converts HTML text to markdown.

Breakdown of the function:

Function signature:

html_to_markdown(html_text: str) -> str


  • html_text: The HTML text to be converted to markdown.

Example usage:

- evaluate:
    markdown_text: $ html_to_markdown(_.html_text)


All Python expressions are executed in a sandboxed environment with:

Function Limits

Limited available functions to prevent unsafe operations

String Limits

Maximum string length restrictions to prevent memory issues

Collection Limits

Collection size limits to prevent resource exhaustion

Time Limits

Execution time limits to prevent infinite loops

This ensures safe execution while providing necessary functionality for task workflows.


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