
Juelp is designed to be run locally with the help of Docker. This guide will help you set up Julep locally.


Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository from your preferred source:

git clone <repository_url>

2. Navigate to the Root Directory

Change to the root directory of the project:

cd <repository_root>

3. Set Up Environment Variables

  • Create a .env file in the root directory.
  • Refer to the .env.example file for a list of required variables.
  • Ensure that all necessary variables are set in the .env file.

4. Create a Docker Volume for Backup

Create a Docker volume named grafana_data, memory_store_data, temporal-db-data, prometheus_data and seadweedfs_data:

docker volume create grafana_data
docker volume create memory_store_data
docker volume create temporal-db-data
docker volume create prometheus_data
docker volume create seaweedfs_data

The volumes are used to store the data for the Grafana, Memory Store (Timescale DB), Temporal DB, Prometheus, and SeadweedFS, and Memories respectively.

5. Run the Project using Docker Compose

You can run the project in two different modes: Single Tenant or Multi-Tenant. Choose one of the following commands based on your requirement:

Single-Tenant Mode

Run the project in single-tenant mode:

docker compose --env-file .env --profile temporal-ui --profile single-tenant --profile self-hosted-db --profile blob-store --profile temporal-ui-public up --build --force-recreate --watch

Note: In single-tenant mode, you can interact with the SDK directly without the need for the API KEY.

Multi-Tenant Mode

Run the project in multi-tenant mode:

docker compose --env-file .env --profile temporal-ui --profile multi-tenant --profile self-hosted-db --profile blob-store --profile temporal-ui-public up --build --force-recreate --watch

Note: In multi-tenant mode, you need to generate a JWT token locally that act as an API KEY to interact with the SDK.

6. Generate a JWT Token (Only for Multi-Tenant Mode)

To generate a JWT token, jwt-cli is required. Kindly install the same before proceeding with the next steps.

Use the following command and replace JWT_SHARED_KEY with the corresponding key from your .env file to generate a JWT token:

jwt encode --secret JWT_SHARED_KEY --alg HS512 --exp=$(date -j -v +10d +%s) --sub '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' '{}'

This command generates a JWT token that will be valid for 10 days.

7. Access and Interact

  • Temporal UI: You can access the Temporal UI through the specified port in your .env file.
  • API Interactions: Depending on the chosen mode, interact with the setup using the provided endpoints.


  • Ensure that all required Docker images are available.
  • Check for missing environment variables in the .env file.
  • Use the docker compose logs command to view detailed logs for debugging.


If you need help with further questions in Julep: