
Julep Python SDK Index / Julep / Managers / Agent

Auto-generated documentation for julep.managers.agent module.


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class AgentCreateArgs(TypedDict): ...


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class AgentUpdateArgs(TypedDict): ...


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A class for managing agents, inheriting from BaseAgentsManager.

This class provides functionalities to interact with and manage agents, including creating, retrieving, listing, updating, and deleting agents. It utilizes type annotations to ensure type correctness at runtime using the beartype decorator.


  • get(id - Union[str, UUID]) -> Agent: Retrieves an agent by its unique identifier.


id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent, which can be either a string or a UUID.

  • name str - The name of the agent.

  • about str - A description of the agent.

  • instructions List[str] - A list of instructions or dictionaries defining instructions.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - A list of dictionaries defining tools. Defaults to an empty list.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - A list of dictionaries defining functions. Defaults to an empty list.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - A dictionary of default settings. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • model ModelName, optional - The model name to be used. Defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - A list of dictionaries defining documentation. Defaults to an empty list. metadata (Dict[str, Any])

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of agents to retrieve. Defaults to None, meaning no limit.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of agents to skip (for pagination). Defaults to None.

agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent to be deleted.

  • update(*, agent_id - Union[str, UUID], about: Optional[str]=None, instructions: Optional[List[str]]=None, name: Optional[str]=None, model: Optional[str]=None, default_settings: Optional[DefaultSettingsDict]=None) -> ResourceUpdatedResponse: Updates an existing agent with new details.

agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent to be updated.

  • about Optional[str], optional - A new description of the agent. Defaults to None (no change).

  • instructions Optional[List[str]], optional - A new list of instructions or dictionaries defining instructions. Defaults to None (no change).

  • name Optional[str], optional - A new name for the agent. Defaults to None (no change).

  • model Optional[str], optional - A new model name to be used. Defaults to None (no change).

  • default_settings Optional[DefaultSettingsDict], optional - A new dictionary of default settings. Defaults to None (no change). metadata (Dict[str, Any])


  • Agent - The agent with the corresponding identifier.

  • create(*, name - str, about: str, instructions: List[str], tools: List[ToolDict]=[], functions: List[FunctionDefDict]=[], default_settings: DefaultSettingsDict={}, model: ModelName='julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo', docs: List[DocDict]=[]) -> ResourceCreatedResponse: Creates a new agent with the provided details.

  • ResourceCreatedResponse - The response indicating the resource (agent) was successfully created.

  • list(*, limit - Optional[int]=None, offset: Optional[int]=None) -> List[Agent]: Lists all agents with pagination support.

  • List[Agent] - A list of agents, considering the pagination parameters.

  • delete(agent_id - Union[str, UUID]): Deletes an agent by its unique identifier.

  • ResourceUpdatedResponse - The response indicating the resource (agent) was successfully updated.


class AgentsManager(BaseAgentsManager): ...

See also


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Creates a new resource with the specified details.


  • name str - The name of the resource.

  • about str - A description of the resource.

  • instructions List[str] - A list of instructions or dictionaries with instruction details.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - A list of dictionaries with tool details. Defaults to an empty list.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - A list of dictionaries with function definition details. Defaults to an empty list.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - A dictionary with default settings. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • model ModelName, optional - The name of the model to use. Defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - A list of dictionaries with documentation details. Defaults to an empty list. metadata (Dict[str, Any])


  • Agent - An instance of the Agent with the specified details


This function is decorated with @beartype, which will perform runtime type checking on the arguments.


def create(self, **kwargs: AgentCreateArgs) -> Agent: ...

See also


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Delete the agent with the specified ID.

Args: agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The identifier of the agent to be deleted.

Returns: The return type depends on the implementation of the _delete method. This will typically be None if the deletion is successful, or an error may be raised if the deletion fails.

Note: The @beartype decorator is used to enforce type checking of the agent_id parameter.


def delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...


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Retrieve an Agent object by its identifier.


id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the Agent to be retrieved.


  • Agent - An instance of the Agent with the specified ID.


  • BeartypeException - If the type of id is neither a string nor a UUID. Any exception raised by the _get method.


def get(self, id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Agent: ...


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List the Agent objects, possibly with pagination.


  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of Agent objects to return. Defaults to None, meaning no limit is applied.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of initial Agent objects to skip before starting to collect the return list. Defaults to None, meaning no offset is applied.


  • List[Agent] - A list of Agent objects.


  • BeartypeDecorHintPepParamViolation - If the function is called with incorrect types for the limit or offset parameters.


def list(
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[Agent]: ...


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Update the properties of a resource.

This function updates various attributes of an existing resource based on the provided keyword arguments. All updates are optional and are applied only if the corresponding argument is given.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The identifier of the agent, either as a string or a UUID object.

  • about Optional[str], optional - A brief description of the agent. Defaults to None.

  • instructions Optional[List[str]], optional - A list of instructions or instruction dictionaries to update the agent with. Defaults to None.

  • name Optional[str], optional - The new name to assign to the agent. Defaults to None.

  • model Optional[str], optional - The model identifier to associate with the agent. Defaults to None.

  • default_settings Optional[DefaultSettingsDict], optional - A dictionary of default settings to apply to the agent. Defaults to None. metadata (Dict[str, Any])

  • overwrite bool, optional - Whether to overwrite the existing agent settings. Defaults to False.


  • ResourceUpdatedResponse - An object representing the response to the update request.


This method is decorated with beartype, which means it enforces type annotations at runtime.


def update(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: AgentUpdateArgs) -> Agent: ...

See also


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A class for managing asynchronous agent operations.

This class provides asynchronous methods for creating, retrieving, updating, listing, and deleting agents. It is a subclass of BaseAgentsManager, which defines the underlying functionality and structure that this class utilizes.


None explicitly listed, as they are inherited from the BaseAgentsManager class.


get: Retrieves a single agent by its ID.


id (Union[UUID, str]): The unique identifier of the agent to retrieve.

  • name str - The name of the agent to create.

  • about str - A description of the agent.

  • instructions List[str] - The instructions for operating the agent.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - An optional list of tools for the agent.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - An optional list of functions the agent can perform.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - Optional default settings for the agent.

  • model ModelName, optional - The model name to associate with the agent, defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - An optional list of documents associated with the agent. metadata (Dict[str, Any])

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of agents to retrieve.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of agents to skip before starting to collect the results.

agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent to delete.

agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent to update.

  • about Optional[str], optional - An optional new description for the agent.

  • instructions Optional[List[str]], optional - Optional new instructions for the agent.

  • name Optional[str], optional - An optional new name for the agent.

  • model Optional[str], optional - Optional new model associated with the agent.

  • default_settings Optional[DefaultSettingsDict], optional - Optional new default settings for the agent. metadata (Dict[str, Any])


  • Agent - The requested agent.

create: Creates a new agent with the provided specifications.

  • ResourceCreatedResponse - A response indicating the agent was created successfully.

list: Asynchronously lists agents with optional pagination and returns an awaitable object.

  • List[Agent] - A list of agents.

delete: Asynchronously deletes an agent by its ID and returns an awaitable object.

The response from the delete operation (specific return type may vary).

update: Asynchronously updates the specified fields of an agent by its ID and returns an awaitable object.

  • ResourceUpdatedResponse - A response indicating the agent was updated successfully.


class AsyncAgentsManager(BaseAgentsManager): ...

See also


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Create a new resource asynchronously with specified details.

This function is decorated with beartype to ensure that arguments conform to specified types.


  • name str - The name of the resource to create.

  • about str - Information or description about the resource.

  • instructions List[str] - A list of strings or dictionaries detailing the instructions for the resource.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - A list of dictionaries representing the tools associated with the resource. Defaults to an empty list.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - A list of dictionaries defining functions that can be performed with the resource. Defaults to an empty list.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - A dictionary with default settings for the resource. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • model ModelName, optional - The model identifier to use for the resource. Defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - A list of dictionaries containing documentation for the resource. Defaults to an empty list. metadata (Dict[str, Any])


  • Agent - An instance of the Agent with the specified details


The exceptions that may be raised are not specified in the signature and depend on the implementation of the _create method.


async def create(self, **kwargs: AgentCreateArgs) -> Agent: ...

See also


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Asynchronously deletes an agent given its identifier.

This function is decorated with @beartype to ensure type checking of the input argument at runtime.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The identifier of the agent to be deleted. Can be a string or a UUID object.


The result of the asynchronous deletion operation, which is implementation-dependent.


async def delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...


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Asynchronously retrieve an Agent object by its ID.

The id parameter can be either a UUID or a string representation of a UUID.


id (Union[UUID, str]): The unique identifier of the Agent to retrieve.


  • Agent - The Agent object associated with the given id.


  • Beartype exceptions - If the input id does not conform to the specified types.

  • Other exceptions - Depending on the implementation of the _get method.


async def get(self, id: Union[UUID, str]) -> Agent: ...


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Asynchronously lists agents with optional limit and offset.

This method wraps the call to a private method '_list_items' which performs the actual listing of agent items. It uses the 'beartype' decorator for runtime type checking.


  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of agent items to return. Defaults to None, which means no limit.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The offset from where to start the listing. Defaults to None, which means start from the beginning.


  • List[Agent] - A list of agent items collected based on the provided 'limit' and 'offset' parameters.


async def list(
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[Agent]: ...


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Asynchronously update an agent's details.

This function is decorated with beartype to enforce the type checking of parameters. It updates the properties of the agent identified by agent_id.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): Unique identifier for the agent. It can be a string or a UUID object.

  • about Optional[str] - Additional information about the agent. Default is None.

  • instructions Optional[List[str]] - A list of instructions or instruction dictionaries. Default is None.

  • name Optional[str] - The name of the agent. Default is None.

  • model Optional[str] - The model identifier or name. Default is None.

  • default_settings Optional[DefaultSettingsDict] - Dictionary with default settings for the agent. Default is None. metadata (Dict[str, Any])

  • overwrite bool - Whether to overwrite the existing agent settings. Default is False.


  • ResourceUpdatedResponse - An object containing the details of the update response.


async def update(
    self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: AgentUpdateArgs
) -> Agent: ...

See also


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A class responsible for managing agent entities.

This manager handles CRUD operations for agents including retrieving, creating, listing, deleting, and updating agents using an API client.


  • api_client ApiClientType - The client responsible for API interactions.


  • _get(self, id - Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[Agent, Awaitable[Agent]]: Retrieves a single agent by its UUID.


id (Union[str, UUID]): The UUID of the agent to retrieve.

  • name str - The name of the new agent.

  • about str - Description about the new agent.

  • instructions List[str] - List of instructions or instruction dictionaries for the new agent.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - List of tool dictionaries. Defaults to an empty list.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - List of function definition dictionaries. Defaults to an empty list.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - Dictionary of default settings for the new agent. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • model ModelName, optional - The model name for the new agent. Defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - List of document dictionaries for the new agent. Defaults to an empty list. metadata (Dict[str, Any], optional): Dictionary of metadata for the new agent. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of agents to list. Defaults to None.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of agents to skip (for pagination). Defaults to None. metadata_filter (Dict[str, Any], optional): Filters for querying agents based on metadata. Defaults to an empty dictionary. agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The UUID of the agent to delete. agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The UUID of the agent to update.

  • about Optional[str], optional - The new description about the agent.

  • instructions Optional[List[str]], optional - The new list of instructions or instruction dictionaries.

  • name Optional[str], optional - The new name for the agent.

  • model Optional[str], optional - The new model name for the agent.

  • default_settings Optional[DefaultSettingsDict], optional - The new default settings dictionary for the agent. metadata (Dict[str, Any])


The agent object or an awaitable that resolves to the agent object.

  • _create(self, name - str, about: str, instructions: List[str], tools: List[ToolDict] = [], functions: List[FunctionDefDict] = [], default_settings: DefaultSettingsDict = {}, model: ModelName = 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo', docs: List[DocDict] = [], metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]]: Creates an agent with the given specifications. The response indicating creation or an awaitable that resolves to the creation response.

  • _list_items(self, limit - Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Union[ListAgentsResponse, Awaitable[ListAgentsResponse]]: Lists agents with pagination support and optional metadata filtering. The list of agents or an awaitable that resolves to the list of agents.

  • _delete(self, agent_id - Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[None, Awaitable[None]]: Deletes an agent with the specified UUID. None or an awaitable that resolves to None.

  • _update(self, agent_id - Union[str, UUID], about: Optional[str] = None, instructions: Optional[List[str]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, default_settings: Optional[DefaultSettingsDict] = None, metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> Union[ResourceUpdatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceUpdatedResponse]]: Updates the specified fields of an agent. The response indicating successful update or an awaitable that resolves to the update response.


class BaseAgentsManager(BaseManager): ...


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Create a new agent with the specified configuration.


  • name str - Name of the agent.

  • about str - Information about the agent.

  • instructions List[str] - List of instructions as either string or dictionaries for the agent.

  • tools List[ToolDict], optional - List of tool configurations for the agent. Defaults to an empty list.

  • functions List[FunctionDefDict], optional - List of function definitions for the agent. Defaults to an empty list.

  • default_settings DefaultSettingsDict, optional - Dictionary of default settings for the agent. Defaults to an empty dict.

  • model ModelName, optional - The model name identifier. Defaults to 'julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo'.

  • docs List[DocDict], optional - List of document configurations for the agent. Defaults to an empty list. metadata (Dict[str, Any])


  • Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]] - The response object indicating the resource has been created or a future of the response object if the creation is being awaited.


  • AssertionError - If both functions and tools are provided.


The _create method is meant to be used internally and should be considered private. It assumes the input data for instructions, tools, and docs will have the proper format, and items in the 'instructions' list will be converted to Instruction instances.


def _create(
    name: str,
    about: str = "",
    instructions: List[str] = [],
    tools: List[ToolDict] = [],
    functions: List[FunctionDefDict] = [],
    default_settings: DefaultSettingsDict = {},
    model: ModelName = "julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo",
    docs: List[DocDict] = [],
    metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]]: ...

See also


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Delete an agent by its ID.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The UUID v4 of the agent to be deleted.


  • Union[None, Awaitable[None]] - A future that resolves to None if the operation is asynchronous, or None immediately if the operation is synchronous.


  • AssertionError - If agent_id is not a valid UUID v4.


def _delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[None, Awaitable[None]]: ...


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Retrieves an agent based on the provided identifier.


id (Union[str, UUID]): The identifier of the agent, which can be a string or UUID object.


  • Union[Agent, Awaitable[Agent]] - The agent object or an awaitable yielding the agent object, depending on the API client.


  • AssertionError - If the provided id is not a valid UUID v4.


def _get(self, id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[Agent, Awaitable[Agent]]: ...


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Lists items with optional pagination.

This method wraps the list_agents API call and includes optional limit and offset parameters for pagination.

Args: limit (Optional[int], optional): The maximum number of items to return. Defaults to None, which means no limit. offset (Optional[int], optional): The index of the first item to return. Defaults to None, which means no offset.

Returns: Union[ListAgentsResponse, Awaitable[ListAgentsResponse]]: A ListAgentsResponse object, or an awaitable that resolves to a ListAgentsResponse object.


def _list_items(
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: str = "{}",
) -> Union[ListAgentsResponse, Awaitable[ListAgentsResponse]]: ...


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Update the agent's properties.

Args: agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier for the agent, which can be a string or UUID object. about (Optional[str], optional): A brief description of the agent. Defaults to None. instructions (Optional[List[str]], optional): A list of either strings or instruction dictionaries that will be converted into Instruction objects. Defaults to None. name (Optional[str], optional): The name of the agent. Defaults to None. model (Optional[str], optional): The model identifier for the agent. Defaults to None. default_settings (Optional[DefaultSettingsDict], optional): A dictionary of default settings to apply to the agent. Defaults to None. metadata (Dict[str, Any]) overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite the existing agent settings. Defaults to False.

Returns: Union[ResourceUpdatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceUpdatedResponse]]: An object representing the response for the resource updated, which can also be an awaitable in asynchronous contexts.

Raises: AssertionError: If the provided agent_id is not validated by the is_valid_uuid4 function.

Note: This method asserts that the agent_id must be a valid UUID v4. The instructions and default_settings, if provided, are converted into their respective object types before making the update API call.


def _update(
    agent_id: Union[str, UUID],
    about: Optional[str] = NotSet,
    instructions: List[str] = NotSet,
    name: Optional[str] = NotSet,
    model: Optional[str] = NotSet,
    default_settings: Optional[DefaultSettingsDict] = NotSet,
    metadata: Dict[str, Any] = NotSet,
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> Union[ResourceUpdatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceUpdatedResponse]]: ...

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