Self-hosting Julep

Learn how to configure and deploy Julep with Docker.

Julep is available as a hosted service or as a self-managed instance. This guide assumes you are running the commands from the machine you intend to host from.

Running Julep

  • Download the docker-compose.yml file along with the .env file for configuration to run the Julep platform locally.

# Add the docker compose to your project dir

# Add the .env file to your project dir
wget -O .env

# Pull the latest images
docker compose pull

# Start the services (in detached mode)
docker compose up -d

After all the services have started you can see them running in the background:

docker compose ps

Environment Variables

You can use environment variables to control authentication and authorization with the platform and in between services.

For running locally:

  • The default JULEP_API_URL is

  • The default JULEP_API_KEY is myauthkey

  • You can define your ANTHROPIC_API_KEY or OPENAI_API_KEY in the .env

Restarting all services

You can restart services to pick up any configuration changes by running:

# Stop and remove the containers
docker compose down

# Recreate and start the containers
docker compose up -d

Be aware that this will result in downtime. Simply restarting the services does not apply configuration changes.

Stopping all services

You can stop Julep by running docker compose stop in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file.

Uninstall and delete all data

# Stop docker and remove volumes
docker compose down -v

Be careful!

This will wipe out all the conversation history and memories in the database and storage volumes


If you want to deploy Julep to production, let's hop on a call!

We'll help you customize the platform and help you get set up with:

  • Multi-tenancy

  • Reverse proxy along with authentication and authorization

  • Self-hosted LLMs

  • & more

Last updated