Customizing Tasks

This guide covers how to define and customize tasks for agents in Julep.

Creating a Basic Task

Here's an example of creating a simple daily motivation task:

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $JULEP_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "name": "Daily Motivation",
           "description": "Provides daily motivation based on user preferences",
           "input_schema": {
             "type": "object",
             "properties": {
               "about_user": {"type": "string"},
               "topics": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
               "user_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}
             "required": ["about_user", "topics", "user_email"]
           "main": [
               "evaluate": {
                 "chosen_topic": "_[\"topics\"][randint(len(_[\"topics\"]))]"
               "prompt": "You are a motivational coach and you are coaching someone who is {{inputs[0][\"about_user\"]}}. Think of the challenges they might be facing on the {{_[\"chosen_topic\"]}} topic and what to do about them. Write down your answer as a bulleted list."
               "prompt": "Write a short motivational poem about {{_[\"choices\"][0].content}}"
               "tool": {
                 "name": "send_email",
                 "arguments": {
                   "subject": "\"Daily Motivation\"",
                   "content": "_[\"choices\"][0].content",
                   "recipient": "inputs[\"user_email\"]"
               "sleep": 86400
               "workflow": "main",
               "arguments": "inputs[0]"

Adding Conditional Logic

You can add conditional logic to your tasks using the if-else step:

  "if": "inputs['user_mood'] == 'positive'",
  "then": {
    "prompt": "Great! Let's build on that positive energy. {{inputs['chosen_topic']}}"
  "else": {
    "prompt": "I understand you're feeling down. Let's work on improving your mood through {{inputs['chosen_topic']}}."

Using Parallel Processing

For tasks that can benefit from parallel processing, use the parallel step:

  "parallel": [
      "prompt": "Generate a motivational quote about {{inputs['chosen_topic']}}."
      "tool": {
        "name": "get_weather",
        "arguments": {
          "location": "inputs['user_location']"

Next Steps

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