Installation Guide

This guide covers the installation of Julep in various environments and configurations.


Before installing Julep, ensure you have:

  • Python 3.8+ or Node.js 16+ installed
  • pip (for Python) or npm/bun (for Node.js) package manager
  • A Julep API key (Get one here)

Package Installation

Python Installation

  1. Using pip:
pip install julep
  1. Using poetry:
poetry add julep
  1. Using pipenv:
pipenv install julep

Node.js Installation

  1. Using npm:
npm install @julep/sdk
  1. Using yarn:
yarn add @julep/sdk
  1. Using bun:
bun add @julep/sdk

Environment Setup

Setting up Environment Variables

It’s recommended to use environment variables for sensitive information like API keys:

  1. Create a .env file in your project root:
JULEP_ENVIRONMENT=production  # or development
  1. Load the environment variables in your code:

Docker Installation

If you prefer using Docker, you can run Julep in a containerized environment:

  1. Create a Dockerfile:
# Python
FROM python:3.11-slim
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD ["python", ""]

# Node.js
FROM node:16-slim
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["node", "your_script.js"]
  1. Build and run the container:
docker build -t my-julep-app .
docker run -e JULEP_API_KEY=your_api_key_here my-julep-app

Local Development Setup

For local development, you can run Julep locally:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd julep
  1. Create required volumes:
docker volume create cozo_backup
docker volume create cozo_data
  1. Set up environment:
cp .env.example .env  # Edit this file with your settings
  1. Start the services:
docker compose --env-file .env --profile temporal-ui --profile single-tenant --profile self-hosted-db up --build


To verify your installation:


Common installation issues and solutions:

  1. API Key Issues

    • Ensure your API key is valid and properly set in environment variables
    • Check if you’re using the correct environment (production/development)
  2. Version Compatibility

    • Make sure you’re using compatible versions of Python/Node.js
    • Update to the latest SDK version if you encounter issues
  3. Docker Issues

    • Verify Docker is running and has sufficient resources
    • Check if required ports are available and not blocked

Next Steps

Now that you have Julep installed, you can: