
Julep Python SDK Index / Julep / Managers / Memory

Auto-generated documentation for julep.managers.memory module.


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Asynchronously lists memories based on various filter parameters.

Args: agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the agent. query (str): The search query string to filter memories. types (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The types of memories to filter by. Defaults to None. user_id (Optional[str], optional): The unique identifier of the user. Defaults to None. limit (Optional[int], optional): The maximum number of memories to return. Defaults to None. offset (Optional[int], optional): The number of memories to skip before starting to collect the result set. Defaults to None.

Returns: List[Memory]: A list of Memory objects that match the given filters.

Raises: ValidationError: If the input validation fails. DatabaseError: If there is a problem accessing the database.


class AsyncMemoriesManager(BaseMemoriesManager): ...

See also


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Asynchronously list memories based on query parameters.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The ID of the agent to list memories for.

  • query str - The query string to filter memories. types (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The types of memories to retrieve. Defaults to None.

  • user_id Optional[str], optional - The ID of the user to list memories for. Defaults to None.

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of memories to return. Defaults to None.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The offset to start listing memories from. Defaults to None.


  • List[Memory] - A list of Memory objects that match the query.


@beartype decorator is used for runtime type checking.


async def list(
    agent_id: Union[str, UUID],
    query: str,
    types: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Memory]: ...


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A base manager class for handling agent memories.

This manager provides an interface to interact with agent memories, facilitating operations such as listing and retrieving memories based on various criteria.

Methods: _list(agent_id, query, types=None, user_id=None, limit=None, offset=None): Retrieves a list of memories for a given agent.

Args: agent_id (str): A valid UUID v4 string identifying the agent. query (str): The query string to search memories. types (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]): The type(s) of memories to retrieve. user_id (Optional[str]): The user identifier associated with the memories. limit (Optional[int]): The maximum number of memories to retrieve. offset (Optional[int]): The number of initial memories to skip in the result set.

Returns: Union[GetAgentMemoriesResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentMemoriesResponse]]: A synchronous or asynchronous response object containing the list of agent memories.

Raises: AssertionError: If agent_id is not a valid UUID v4.


class BaseMemoriesManager(BaseManager): ...


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List memories from a given agent based on a query and further filtering options.


  • agent_id str - A valid UUID v4 representing the agent ID.

  • query str - Query string to filter memories. types (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The types of memories to filter.

  • user_id Optional[str], optional - The user ID to filter memories.

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of memories to return.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of memories to skip before starting to collect the result set.


  • Union[GetAgentMemoriesResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentMemoriesResponse]] - Returns a synchronous or asynchronous response with the agent memories.


  • AssertionError - If agent_id is not a valid UUID v4.


def _list(
    agent_id: str,
    query: str,
    types: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[GetAgentMemoriesResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentMemoriesResponse]]: ...


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A class for managing memory entities associated with agents.

Inherits from BaseMemoriesManager and extends its functionality to specifically manage and retrieve memory entities for agents based on query parameters.

Attributes: Inherited from BaseMemoriesManager.

Methods: list: Retrieves a list of memory entities based on query parameters.


class MemoriesManager(BaseMemoriesManager): ...

See also


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List memories meeting specified criteria.

This function fetches a list of Memory objects based on various filters and parameters such as agent_id, query, types, user_id, limit, and offset.


agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier for the agent.

  • query str - The search term used to filter memories. types (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The types of memories to retrieve. Can be a single type as a string or a list of types. Default is None, which does not filter by type.

  • user_id Optional[str], optional - The unique identifier for the user. If provided, only memories associated with this user will be retrieved. Default is None.

  • limit Optional[int], optional - The maximum number of memories to return. Default is None, which means no limit.

  • offset Optional[int], optional - The number of memories to skip before starting to return the results. Default is None.


  • List[Memory] - A list of Memory objects that match the given criteria.


The @beartype decorator is used to ensure that arguments conform to the expected types at runtime.


def list(
    agent_id: Union[str, UUID],
    query: str,
    types: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Memory]: ...

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