
Julep Python SDK Index / Julep / Managers / Doc

Auto-generated documentation for julep.managers.doc module.


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A class for managing asynchronous operations on documents.

Inherits from BaseDocsManager to provide async document retrieval, creation, and deletion.


Inherited from BaseDocsManager.


async list(self, *, agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None, user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Doc]: Asynchronously get a list of documents, with optional filtering based on agent_id, user_id, and pagination options limit and offset.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier to filter documents. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier to filter documents.

  • limit Optional[int] - The maximum number of documents to return.

  • offset Optional[int] - The offset from where to start returning documents. agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier associated with the document. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier associated with the document.

  • doc DocDict - The document data to be created. doc_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the document to be deleted. agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier associated with the document, if applicable. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier associated with the document, if applicable.


  • List[Doc] - A list of documents.

async create(self, *, agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None, user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None, doc: DocDict) -> ResourceCreatedResponse: Asynchronously create a new document with the given document information, and optional agent_id and user_id. - ResourceCreatedResponse - A response object indicating successful creation of the document.

async delete(self, *, doc_id: Union[str, UUID], agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None, user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None): Asynchronously delete a document by its id, with optional association to a specific agent_id or user_id.


The @beartype decorator is being used to perform runtime type checking on the function arguments.


class AsyncDocsManager(BaseDocsManager): ...

See also


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Create a new resource asynchronously.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The ID of the agent. Default is None. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The ID of the user. Default is None.

  • doc DocDict - A dictionary containing document data.


  • ResourceCreatedResponse - An object representing the response for a resource created.


  • BeartypeException - If any of the input arguments do not match their expected types. This is implicitly raised due to the use of the beartype decorator.


async def create(self, **kwargs: DocsCreateArgs) -> Doc: ...

See also


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Asynchronously deletes a document by its ID.

This function is a coroutine and must be awaited.


doc_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the document to delete. agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier of the agent, if any. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier of the user, if any.


  • Coroutine[Any] - A coroutine that, when awaited, returns the result of the document deletion process.


The @beartype decorator is used to enforce type checking on the function arguments.


async def delete(
    doc_id: Union[str, UUID],
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
): ...


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Asynchronously get a list of documents.

This function fetches documents based on the provided filtering criteria such as agent_id, user_id, and supports pagination through limit and offset.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The ID of the agent to filter documents by. Default is None. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The ID of the user to filter documents by. Default is None.

  • limit Optional[int] - The maximum number of documents to return. Default is None.

  • offset Optional[int] - The offset from where to start the document retrieval. Default is None.


  • List[Doc] - A list of document objects.


The @beartype decorator is used to ensure that arguments conform to the expected types.


  • BeartypeDecorHintPepParamException - If any of the parameters do not adhere to the declared types.


async def list(
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[Doc]: ...


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Manages documents for agents or users by providing internal methods to list, create, and delete documents.

The class utilizes an API client to interact with a back-end service that handles the document management operations.

Typical usage example:

docs_manager = BaseDocsManager(api_client) agent_docs = docs_manager._list(agent_id="some-agent-uuid") user_docs = docs_manager._list(user_id="some-user-uuid") created_doc = docs_manager._create(agent_id="some-agent-uuid", doc={"key": "value"}) docs_manager._delete(user_id="some-user-uuid", doc_id="some-doc-uuid")


  • api_client - A client instance used to make API calls to the document management system.


  • _list(agent_id - Optional[Union[str, UUID]], user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],

    • limit - Optional[int]=None, offset: Optional[int]=None) -> Union[GetAgentDocsResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentDocsResponse]] Retrieves docsrmation for either an agent or user. Must provide exactly one valid UUID v4 for either agent_id or user_id.

  • _create(agent_id - Optional[Union[str, UUID]], user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]], doc: DocDict) -> Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]] Creates docsrmation for either an agent or user. Must provide exactly one valid UUID v4 for either agent_id or user_id. The doc parameter contains the document information to be created.

  • _delete(agent_id - Optional[Union[str, UUID]], user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]], doc_id: Union[str, UUID]): Deletes docsrmation for either an agent or user. Must provide exactly one valid UUID v4 for either agent_id or user_id, and a valid UUID for doc_id.


class BaseDocsManager(BaseManager): ...


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Create a new resource with docsrmation for either an agent or a user, but not both.

This function asserts that exactly one of agent_id or user_id is provided and is a valid UUID v4. It then creates the appropriate docsrmation based on which ID was provided.

Args: agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The UUID of the agent or None. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The UUID of the user or None. doc (DocDict): A dictionary containing the document data for the resource being created. metadata (Dict[str, Any]): Optional metadata for the document. Defaults to an empty dictionary.

Returns: Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]]: The response after creating the resource, which could be immediate or an awaitable for asynchronous execution.

Raises: AssertionError: If both agent_id and user_id are provided, neither are provided, or if the provided IDs are not valid UUID v4 strings.

Note: One and only one of agent_id or user_id must be provided and must be a valid UUID v4. The DocDict type should be a dictionary compatible with the CreateDoc schema.


def _create(
    doc: DocDict,
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]]: ...


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Delete docs based on either an agent_id or a user_id.

This method selects the appropriate deletion operation (agent or user) based on whether an agent_id or user_id is provided. Only one of these ID types should be valid and provided.

Args: agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): A unique identifier of an agent. Either a string or UUID v4, but not both agent_id and user_id. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): A unique identifier of a user. Either a string or UUID v4, but not both agent_id and user_id. doc_id (Union[str, UUID]): A unique identifier for docsrmation to be deleted, as a string or UUID v4.

Returns: The result of the API deletion request. This can be the response object from the client's delete operation.

Raises: AssertionError: If both agent_id and user_id are provided, neither are provided, or if the provided IDs are not valid UUID v4 strings. Other exceptions related to the api_client operations could potentially be raised and depend on its implementation.


def _delete(
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
    doc_id: Union[str, UUID],
) -> Union[ResourceDeletedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceDeletedResponse]]: ...


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Retrieve docsrmation for an agent or user based on their ID.

This internal method fetches docsrmation for either an agent or a user, but not both. If both or neither agent_id and user_id are provided, it will assert an error.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The UUID v4 of the agent for whom docs is requested, exclusive with user_id. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The UUID v4 of the user for whom docs is requested, exclusive with agent_id.

  • limit Optional[int] - The maximum number of records to return. Defaults to None.

  • offset Optional[int] - The number of records to skip before starting to collect the response set. Defaults to None. metadata_filter (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary used for filtering documents based on metadata criteria. Defaults to an empty dictionary.


  • Union[GetAgentDocsResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentDocsResponse]] - The response object containing docsrmation about the agent or user, or a promise of such an object if the call is asynchronous.


  • AssertionError - If both agent_id and user_id are provided or neither is provided, or if the provided IDs are not valid UUID v4.


def _list(
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Union[GetAgentDocsResponse, Awaitable[GetAgentDocsResponse]]: ...


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class DocsCreateArgs(TypedDict): ...


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A class responsible for managing documents.

This class provides methods for retrieving, creating, and deleting documents. It uses a base document management system to perform operations.


None specific to this class, as all are inherited from BaseDocsManager.


get: Retrieves a list of documents according to specified filters.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier to filter documents by, if any. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier to filter documents by, if any.

  • limit Optional[int] - The maximum number of documents to be retrieved.

  • offset Optional[int] - The number of documents to skip before starting to collect the document output list.

agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier associated with the document, if any. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier associated with the document, if any.

  • doc DocDict - The document to be created represented as a dictionary of document metadata.

doc_id (Union[str, UUID]): The identifier of the document to be deleted. agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent's identifier associated with the document, if any. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier associated with the document, if any.


  • List[Doc] - A list of documents matching the provided filters.

create: Creates a new document.

  • ResourceCreatedResponse - An object representing the creation response, typically containing the ID of the created document.

delete: Deletes a document by its document identifier.

None, but the method may raise exceptions on failure.


class DocsManager(BaseDocsManager): ...

See also


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Create a new resource with the specified document.

This method wraps a call to an internal '_create' method, passing along any specified agent or user identifiers, along with the document data.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The agent identifier associated with the resource creation. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user identifier associated with the resource creation.

  • doc DocDict - A dictionary containing the document data.


  • ResourceCreatedResponse - An object representing the response for the resource creation operation.


  • BeartypeException - If any input parameters are of incorrect type, due to type enforcement by the @beartype decorator.


def create(self, **kwargs: DocsCreateArgs) -> Doc: ...

See also


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Deletes a document by its identifier.

This function wraps the internal _delete method, providing an interface to delete documents by their ID while optionally specifying the agent ID and user ID.


doc_id (Union[str, UUID]): The unique identifier of the document to be deleted. agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier of the agent performing the delete operation, if any. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier of the user performing the delete operation, if any.


The return type depends on the implementation of the _delete method.


The exceptions raised depend on the implementation of the _delete method.


def delete(
    doc_id: Union[str, UUID],
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
): ...


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Retrieve a list of documents based on specified criteria.

This method supports filtering the documents by agent_id or user_id, and also supports pagination through the limit and offset parameters.


agent_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier for the agent. Can be a string or a UUID object. Default is None, which means no filtering by agent_id is applied. user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The unique identifier for the user. Can be a string or a UUID object. Default is None, which means no filtering by user_id is applied.

  • limit Optional[int] - The maximum number of documents to retrieve. Default is None, which means no limit is applied.

  • offset Optional[int] - The number of documents to skip before starting to collect the document list. Default is None, which means no offset is applied.


  • List[Doc] - A list of documents that match the provided criteria.


The @beartype decorator is used to ensure that the input arguments are of the expected types. If an argument is passed that does not match the expected type, a type error will be raised.


def list(
    agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    offset: Optional[int] = None,
    metadata_filter: Dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> List[Doc]: ...

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