Agent Endpoints

This document provides a reference for all Agent API endpoints in Julep.

List Agents

  • Endpoint: GET /agents

  • Description: Retrieves a paginated list of agents.

  • Query Parameters:

    • limit (optional): Number of agents to return per page.

    • offset (optional): Number of agents to skip.

Create a New Agent

  • Endpoint: POST /agents

  • Description: Creates a new agent.

  • Request Body:

      "name": "string",
      "about": "string",
      "model": "string",
      "instructions": ["string"]

Get an Agent

  • Endpoint: GET /agents/{id}

  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific agent.

Update an Agent

  • Endpoint: PUT /agents/{id}

  • Description: Updates an existing agent (overwrites existing values).

  • Request Body: Same as Create a New Agent

Partially Update an Agent

  • Endpoint: PATCH /agents/{id}

  • Description: Updates an existing agent (merges with existing values).

  • Request Body: Partial agent object

Delete an Agent

  • Endpoint: DELETE /agents/{id}

  • Description: Deletes a specific agent.

Get Agent Documents

  • Endpoint: GET /agents/{id}/docs

  • Description: Retrieves documents associated with an agent.

Search Agent Documents

  • Endpoint: GET /agents/{id}/search

  • Description: Searches documents owned by an agent.

Get Agent Tools

  • Endpoint: GET /agents/{id}/tools

  • Description: Retrieves tools associated with an agent.

Get Agent Tasks

  • Endpoint: GET /agents/{id}/tasks

  • Description: Retrieves tasks associated with an agent.

Create or Update Agent Tasks

  • Endpoint: PUT /agents/{parent_id}/tasks

  • Description: Creates or updates tasks for an agent.

For all endpoints, replace {id} or {parent_id} with the actual agent ID.

Last updated